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What is Angelic Healing 

Are you interested in angels and do you want to connect with them?

There are many different orders of angelic beings. Archangels, your guardian angel and your spirit guides communicate with a beautiful and powerful energy which is different to speech as we know it.  Signs that angels are watching over you include finding a white feather, seeing flashes of light, a rainbow, symbols or images in clouds, scents or body tingling sensations.  

Angelic Healing  is a non-denominational  healing modality that involves working with your guardian angel and archangels.   All you need is an open mind to receive their messages. 


During an angelic healing you may feel a tingling or warming sensation, receive information in the form of colours, memories, visuals – such as a written word in your mind’s eye or you may simply  fall asleep and receive a message in your dreams.  The healing is unique to you and everyone has different experiences. Whatever you experience the healing will be directed to where it needs to go and will work on both your energetic and physical body.

Ultimately Angelic Healing works on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels to bring balance to your entire being and bring about a significant improvement in many aspects of your life.  It offers you peace of mind for your body and soul that bring about profound shifts in your life and enable long-term healing.   The angels will often offer you a simple truth – that you may  need to change something in your life.

They will offer you advice  and directions how to achieve these goals and will show you practical ways to enrich and empower your life.

You are  creating  your own reality in  every moment of every day.  By honouring your integrity you may need to change something in your life and this is possible if you really want to. During an Angelic Healing the angels will offer you assistance as to how to achieve this and will show you ways to enrich and empower your life.

I offer distant Angelic Healing as a free service. 

©2018 by Spirit KEYS   Rhollis 

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